Is this the Gillian I once knew?
Created by ramella49 11 years ago
II am not sure that I have the correct Gilly, but I can only say that a distant memory says that I do.
I was a young sailor in the US Navy when I met Gillian. She was an au pair in Torremolinos, Spain. (This would have been 1971 or 1972.) Anyway, I had recently received a "Dear John" letter from my young wife, (as so often happens to young sailors who are gone for so long, so frequently.) when we pulled into port in Spain. She had just filed for a divorce. As one can imagine, I was devastated! I suppose my goal was to go drown my sorrows, so I went ashore(known as liberty).
While on liberty with a buddy, an Italian shipmate who spoke fluent Spanish, we met a Guardia Civil officer named Juan.
Juan showed us around his "beat" and we stopped in a club for a cold one. While there, he pointed out a couple of very pretty young ladies and asked us if we would like to meet them. Of course we said "yes". So, I suppose it was either due to his position of authority, or his charm, he approached them and chatted for a few minutes, came over to us and in turn, led us over to their table and introduced us. To make a long story somewhat shorter, one was named Gillian.
We talked for hours, danced a few dances, I poured out all of my sorrows to a fantastic listener, she told me some about herself (most of it long forgotten) we traded addresses, and promised to write each other often. I must say that I was somewhat smitten with her, but we interacted only as friends.
I only saw Gillian that one evening, but she offered so much moral support, and was so gracious, and kind, and did I mention Beautiful? Once we departed Spain, I wrote her a letter, and was very surprised and happy to receive one in return. We corresponded for perhaps two years, and then life got in the way, as I got remarried, and we lost touch.
As I said in my opening, I do not know if this is the Gillian I have remembered all of these years, but the things I have read, this Gilly sounds like the same one I knew. She was apparently loved by all, and I am sure she is very much missed. I am so sorry to hear of her passing, and it is a bit hard to explain, but I feel as if I have lost someone as well.
Steve Ramella